"Gli Occhi Freddi della Paura" is a 1971 thriller film directed by Enzo G. Castellari (director of "Quel maledetto treno blindato", one of Quentin Tarantino's all-time favorites), featuring an international cast of actors including Frank Wolff, Fernando Rey, Julian Mateos, and Karin Schubert. Set almost exclusively inside a villa where a kidnapping occurs, the film features one of the darkest and most chilling soundtracks ever written by Ennio Morricone, in which melody is virtually absent, in favor of cold and claustrophobic atmospheres. The performers, directed by Bruno Nicolai, are an ensemble of which Morricone himself was a member, the Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza, perfect in the interpretation of dissonant and avant-garde sounds. This soundtrack in the less 'free' episodes and in which the groove is the master recalls the jazz-rock and fusion of the revolutionary Miles Davis between the 60s and 70s; remained unreleased for almost 30 years and still today constantly sought after by collectors, it is here reprinted in a new edition on transparent pink vinyl with remastered audio.